Thursday, October 26, 2006

Why WE don't make our own dreams come true

Marketing guru Seth Godin recently posted that there are two fears that inhibit marketing creativity. I believe that these fears as very truth when it comes to people re-orientating their lives in the pursuit of the thing they want to do most - their life dream. For some this is the dream job, or dream business concept for others it dream for a different and better way to live or a way in which they can express themselves.

Read the fears below and see if they ring true for you:
The first is fear.
The fear that you'll have to implement whatever you dream up.
The fear that you will fail.
The fear that you will do something stupid and be ridiculed by others (for decades).
The fear that you'll lose your job, your friends, your possessions.
The fear that there will be an unanticipated backlash associated with your idea.
The fear of change.
The fear of missing out on the thing you won't be able to do if you do this.

The second is a lack of imagination.
I think that the fear of limiting our opportunities is a powerful dissuader Our culture rewards people for not committing to one thing over another. The level of flexibility we live our lives at means we can pick and chose as we go through without the need to commit one way or another. This is reflected through many facets in society from consumer purchase decisions to divorce rates.
I think this aspect of our culture makes it hard for has to align our lives to the trajectory of realising our dreams or life ambition.


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