Easy Belief
Recently I have been coming across some interesting views on life, the place of work in life, and how business should or shouldn't be done.
It comes at no surprise to many who no me, I'm sure, that I have some pretty strong veiws on these matters. For example, if you make work about you your pay check, you will only be happy working as long as your pay check is adequate in your eyes. But if you make work about living out of your beliefs and values of what it means to be human in the world, or you make work a learning objective to find out these beliefs and values, then the statisfication for you work will last longer, plus you will be getting paid!
I am not interested in working for another 30-40 years in environments that are not congruent to my beliefs. Even though people tell me all that time that "its a nice idea in principle Benn, but reality means that is harder said then done" I still retain my opinions that not only can business be done differently then the prevalent profit maximisation model, but it can also be as, if not more, sucessful in the long run (it terms of achieving the core ideologies of business).
It's easier to accept the status quo and justfiy things with disclaimers like "but the pressures in my context means I have to focus on XYZ and can't look to forge new ground". Its esay to believe what the prevailing wind tells you. But if I give up my beliefs in light of the fact that I have no definite time horizon to when they become my new reality, then I pretty much will have to settle to life-ordinary. And frankly, what would be the point of that? It may be acceptable for some that their life will no rise above the great middle class (its certainly comfortable) but for, I want more out of life then that. I'm not talking about rising out of class structures through more personal wealth, but rather I talking about believing that I can have a profound affect of the world. I don't know in my case whether I can make an impact globally, nationally or locally, but I going to die trying to convince others by demonstrating that we can lives beyond average.
I urge you to consider talking up a similar challenge to dare to believe that you could be someone who shows others that anyone can excel and rise beyond what come easy by refusing the circumstances on offer to as the only option for your life.
sup boy,
stop ussing big words that make me read twice, i'm only a poor and uneducated fool.
love you.
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