Tuesday, June 06, 2006

What's in a name?

Seth Godin points to a blogger who stated that "Podcasting" is a bad name on the account that it is not immediately evident what it means.

I know few people under the age of 25 who would have
not at least heard of Podcasting been bandied about by a friend. I would also guess that I would know virtually no one who, upon being explained Podcasting in reference to an iPod and iTunes, would not intuitively make the connection.

Podcasting is a next generation media. A new generation requires a new set of words and terms; a new language by which it will use to carve out a new iteration of culture.

As with medium, language should be made appropriate to the audience, and in this case a new word had to be made up.


At Fri Jun 09, 06:58:00 pm NZST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there!

Speaking of podcasting, are you listening to ours at mosaic.org?

Hope you are well!



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