Thursday, May 04, 2006

Can I smell Cheese?

It's interesting how people grow accustomed to things being in the same place, events occurring in same way with similar outcomes, and can hold a belief that people's behaviour is a constant that can be relied upon.

Now before some of you switch off, this isn’t a geek piece.

I read some
interesting comments about how Web 2.0 will not get traction from the people hold the most relevant knowledge in organisations; the people from which the organisation will derive the most benefit from them using them. (What is Web 2.0?).

It's sometime hard to keep perspective when talking about the Internet. We have only a quarter century of experience using the tool. In terms of history, it’s an incredibility short time. There are few things in life about people's behaviour that can be said to true at all times. Though I believe there are some, the way people incorporate the use of IM, emailing etc, hasn't really been around long enough to say that it so entrenched in human behaviour that new web tools emerging won’t last. The extreme Internet users who are naturally attracted to the dynamic and ever evolving Internet find it easy to adopt new tools/functionality. These people are the teenagers and young adults of today who will be the workers and business leaders of tomorrow.

Like any advancement in a certain aspect of society, the lasting impact is almost always different to its initial introduction. Web 2.0 will change enterprises and organisations. It must because it's changing how a significant and influential demographic of web users are socially connecting. Whether we talk about businesses, not-for-profits, community groups, churches or whatever, they are made up of people who are relational by nature. If Web 2.0 helps to connect enough people effectively (which I believe it is beginning to doand will increasingly do as the tech behind things like wikis evolves) then that will be enough to cause a shift.

The reality is people are never, not busy. We will never have anymore time then we have now to do more stuff. Once priorities change, people will find the time to do what they value.


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