Thursday, April 06, 2006

Good Advice

If you're unaware of the blogsphere, where have you been? Blogging is the new black of communication. Blogs provide opinion, not fact, but its opinion that’s tempered by being in the environment of public review. Two things can happen to a blogger:

  1. if they are full of it, everyone will tell everyone to ignore the blog; or,

  2. people acknowledge the honesty of the blog, and whether they agree or not, they respond by: a)commenting or trackbacks on their on blog b)subscribing to a RSS feed or making the site a favorite ( etc) c) letting others know about the blog

Blogs are about being a discussion forum, but more than that they are about giving anyone with access to the Internet, and something to say, a web presence.

Seth Godin's gives this advice about marketing but I think it applies to anyone who needs to communicate and be heard by others.

"The worst
thing you can do is be boring and vague.
The second worst thing you can do is be boring and
verbose and obvious."

Blogs are not meant for mass communication, but they are about being able to connect to the masses. Blogs are personal as they give readers the right to directly connect and respond to the blogger.

There is so much more to say... I'll be back


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